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New AWIR Chapters are constantly forming. See the map below for more information.

Attendance at Global Chapter Meetings is free.

AWIR's Global is essential to our mission of fostering the advancement and education of Women in Rheumatology. We have a shared vision and commitment to partnership connecting Rheumatologists across continents.


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AWIR promotes an equitable, diverse and inclusive rheumatology workforce—around the world.

AWIR leaders travel the globe educating institutions, rheumatologists and health policy decision-makers about the inequities present in academia, clinical medicine, research and medical education.

Our goal is to promote awareness of the barriers that women, minorities and other groups experience during training and in the workplace.

Our experts propose practical solutions to enhance diversity in the make-up of the rheumatology student and professional community, foster workplace environments that are friendly and equitable for all, and proactively include members from all backgrounds as equally valuable voices during decision making in the field.

We believe this is important because:

  • Male physicians still earn more than female physicians per hour, and the income disparity is widened for women who have children1
  • Black physicians earn almost $50,000 less per year on average than their White counterparts1
  • The rheumatology workforce is becoming less racially and ethnically diverse, rather than more2
  • Women make up the majority of rheumatology practitioners but lag behind in academic leadership roles, research funding, and publications3


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No Global Chapter has formed in your area?
Consider forming a new Chapter by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about the requirements to start a new Chapter in your country.
To expedite the forming of a new Global Chapter, please provide a contact list of other interested Rheumatologists in your area.




The Caribbean Association for Rheumatology

Is committed to improving the care of patients with rheumatic diseases in the Caribbean. It is a professional organization with a primary goal of uniting rheumatologists and allied health professionals in the advancement of rheumatology through collaborative research, education and advocacy at local and regional levels.


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Women in Rheumatology - ITALY

The Association "ReumatologheDOnne" is a nonprofit association of women rheumatologists born from the need to share the clinical-scientific issues with women.



Women in Rheumatology Australia

WIRA SIG is a network open to all rheumatologists and rheumatology trainees, within the structure of the ARA. Its purpose is to support women in all aspects of rheumatology practice, and foster career, social and educational development, enhance mentoring and advocate for the highest quality of care for patients living with rheumatic diseases.


mask group 39 Contact AWIR - Chair of Global Chapters
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