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To educate rheumatologists, particularly early in their careers, on the importance of advocacy in the care of their patients as well as in other aspects of their practice


To provide a framework to develop tools to then implement change and advocacy


To foster empowerment and the skills needed for long-term engagement in advocacy

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is an activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, social systems and institutions

ACR Advocacy 101: How Educators, Scientists, & Trainees Can Affect Change

The Advocacy Training Program is a teaching module that includes:

  • Pre-test and Post-test Training questionnaire – to assess your knowledge before and after the completion of the Advocacy modules
  • Nine monthly Clinical Case scenarios
  • Concise reading content, followed by one CME question, and a brief discussion
  • A Post-Fellowship [2-years] training questionnaire – to assess your continued involvement in Advocacy
  • Opportunity for interaction with the Fellowship Program Director or Activity Administrator
CME certification provided by Vindico Medical Education; AMA PRA Category 1 Credit TM of 3.25 upon completion.
This program was developed by: Sirisha Gokaraju, MD, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital; Katherine Maher, MD, Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates, PC. Web development: Grace C. Wright, MD, PhD, FACR, President, Association of Women in Rheumatology; Gail S. Kerr, MD, FRCP, Professor of Medicine, Georgetown and Howard University Hospitals, Chief, Rheumatology, DV VAMC and Howard University Hospital. Contributor: Angus Worthing, MD, FACP, FACR, Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates, PC.